Get your ideas to market... now!

Strata is an end-to-end digital product agency that builds successful software from the ground up.

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Other companies we've worked with

Strata CEO James Barr working on his laptop at the office.

What we do

We offer end-to-end product delivery, NOT staff augmentation. We're not an offshore development shop, we're a cross-functional team that can take your idea from concept to reality, and do it RIGHT.

We specialize in creating innovative, user-centred solutions that captivate audiences and drive business growth. Our talented team of designers, engineers, and product managers work collaboratively to bring your vision to life.

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Communication drives us

The team was wondering if we can get a quick huddle together to discuss an opportunity that could positively impact delivery.

Of course, does 3pm work?

Definitely! I'll send out an invite to the team ASAP.

We understand how important client communication is. Whether it's discussing project requirements, sharing design concepts, or providing regular progress updates, we prioritize effective communication to build trust, address concerns, and deliver exceptional results.

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What we use









A closeup of a person's hands holding a red mug with a graphic that reads: Canada - 1867.

Pretty great, eh?

Strata is proudly Canadian. We're based in Kitchener-Waterloo, which is about an hour southwest of Toronto. We love working with companies all over the world, but if you're based in the U.S., our lower dollar gives you great value providing you with Silicon-Valley talent at a significant discount.

What our clients say


Kurtis McBride

Founder, Meddo

What did you like best about working with Strata?

Design work, product quality, and efficiency of implementation.

Harness Investments

Morgan Fiddes-Waldon

Harness Investments

The Strata team had great communication for the whole process, answered questions quickly, and were very accommodating to our requests throughout. The final product was an accurate reflection of our desired look and feel. The developers also seemed to have a great eye for design.


Dan Siemon

Co-Founder and CPO, Aterlo Networks

What did you like best about working with Strata?

The team was knowledgeable, productive and friendly.


Aleksander Todorovic

COO, Netsweeper

Strata came highly recommended as the go-to one stop shop for getting projects off the groundFrom product design to project management, development, and quality assurance, Strata’s expert, professional, and collaborative team and approach has allowed us to iterate through the design and development process with ease and amazing results.

View the case study
A collage of overlapping headshots of Strata team members.

Work with us

We specialize in serving clients with a budget over $50K, ensuring that your investment yields maximum value. Our collaborative approach ensures clear communication channels and direct involvement throughout the entire process. We believe in setting mutually defined acceptance criteria, so that our final deliverables meet and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to discuss your project and embark on a journey towards success.

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